The role of the elected Board of Directors is to oversee the affairs of the school through monthly meetings that review financial, personnel, fundraising, scholarship, and buildings and grounds topics. The Board also approves the yearly budget. This Board is comprised of current EDS parents and at most two community members.
Katharine Gibson - President​, president@exeterdayschool.com
Robby West - Vice President, vicepresident@exeterdayschool.com
Ashley Masse - Treasurer, treasurer@exeterdayschool.com
Johanna Hanley - Secretary, secretary@exeterdayschool.com
Meghan Zipin- Member
Jon Rust - Member
Arianna Plimpton- Parents Committee Liaison to the Board
The mission of the EDS Parents' Committee is to provide an excellent overall experience both educationally and socially for the students and families of Exeter Day School through volunteerism and fundraising.
For more information about the Parents' Committee, please refer to your Exeter Day School Parents' Information Handbook or email