Pre-Kindergarten Program: Children Age 4

This program is designed to foster friendships, independence, self help skills, confidence and problem solving skills. The classroom is divided into learning centers that are meaningful and accessible to students. There is a balance between child initiated experiences and teacher guided experiences. I believe that it is important to create a curriculum that follows student interests and curiosities to maintain a learning environment that reflects the children. Learning through hands-on experiences and using your senses to really dig in, is the best way for your young child to learn and retain information.
Each year, brings new students. That means that no two school years look alike, but I do incorporate some consistent themes. We start the school year by taking a close look at the life cycle of the Monarch. It is always a magical and engaging experience. We learn about the planets, hibernation (migration, adaptation) and Signs of Spring & planting - just to name a few. With each change in theme, I incorporate literacy experiences throughout our learning centers. Dramatic play changes every couple of weeks and is always filled with fun and engaging items and literacy-rich activities that support our theme.
Students journal daily in our class. We listen to nature music and take time to write and draw. This is a way to note progression, interests and for children to express themselves creatively. Getting outside is important for all of us. We love to use our “outdoor classroom” while exploring in the PEA trails, the vast fields and playgrounds.
“There’s no person in the whole world like you, and I like you just the way you are.”
- Mister Rogers
Offered: Five-day program, Monday through Friday, 8:15 AM-2:45 PM.

Lead Teacher