Preschool Program: Children Age 3

The primary goal of the preschool program is to create a comfortable and stimulating environment where students feel safe. Learning the components of our school routine, which includes cubbies, circle time, project time, and snack/lunch time is a key focus so children know what to expect. Play, a major part of our program, is important for children to begin developing strong social skills.
Self-expression, self-help skills, colors, shapes, numbers, following directions, and creative arts are key parts of the curriculum taught through thematic units. Examples of the themes include: Insects, Around the World, Dinosaurs, and Artic Exploration. Children learn about animal habitats, different cultures, and seasonal changes in the weather. Learning centers reflect these themes and allow students to work with a variety of materials and media. During circle time, songs, flannel board stories, and movement activities will be introduced. Through teacher directed play, students are exposed to numbers, letters, shapes, colors and patterns. Development of fine and gross motor skills is also an important focus of this program. Children learn the importance of caring for themselves, their school and nature.